Friday, January 24, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 19 | All about creativity

22 january '14

Why it's important to not know

Perspective on lateral thinking
Deliberate generation of different/alternative ways to look at things and/or situations
The challenge of assumptions. Ask 'why'.

The purpose of thinking
Thinking is about being effective, not about being right. Being right is about being right all the time. Being effective is about being right at the end.
Lateral thinking brings up ideas which may seem wrong in the proces, but are necessary for the upcoming restructuring and  'being right' in the end.

A small story about proces of change not the proces of proof.
'Education is soundly based on the need to be right all the time. Throughout education one is taught the correct facts, the correct deductions to be made from them and the correct way of making these deductions. One learns to be correct by being made very sensitive to what is incorrect. One learns to apply judgement at every stage and to follow up this judgement with the ‘no’ label. One learns how to say, ‘no’, ‘this is not so’, ‘this cannot be so’, ‘this does not lead to that’, ‘you are wrong here’, ‘this would never work’, ‘there is no reason for that’ and so on. This sort of thing is the very essence of vertical thinking and accounts for its great usefulness. The danger lies in the arrogance of the attitude that assumes that vertical thinking is sufficient. It is not. Exclusive emphasis on the need to be right all the time completely shuts out creativity and progress.'

Edward de Bono, Lateral thinking | creativity step by step

The importance of being right all the time creates a situation where one is afraid of failing and/or making mistakes.

I promote failing! Fail as often as you can! When you fail, you learn.
Doubt it. Doubt, if you gonna make it or if you going to fail it. Enjoy it, be curious. This is what we call a learning process. If you know you will pass a test. If you know you will make it to the other side. If you know, what will you learn?

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 19 | 30 day challenges and learn about blogging.

22 january '14

Wordpress is not as easy as it looks like.

It's hard for me to get used to the interface of wordpress. I've been busy for an hour straight on themes, writing content etc. This will be a short message just a note about what I did. 

Sorry more to come next time!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 18 | All about creativity

21 january '14

I have dyslexity

I can draw a dog spot on
and decorate a cake with fondant
Dyslexia makes reading and spelling both hard
but lets my art be on the cover of a card.

I think dyslexia opens up doors you won't open up on a regular basis, if you don't need to. When you are confronted with a dis-ability. Something everybody else experiences as normal but you can't do it! This dis-ability creates, opens up doors. It opens up doors, because otherwise you can't get in. And to keep on going you need to open doors!!

This open door, in my opinion is the way to a form of lateral thinking. A way to manage with a 'regular' and/or 'normal' situation in a different way because you need to! Not because you want it.

It's a necessity! Dyslexia forces you into a new perspective. And when you're positive about this perspective you can create new abilities and opportunities. When you're more negative, you get stuck.

You go in to an 'I can't' modus. A very dangerous modus. Dangerous, because it shuts down your system. I can't, implies 'you won't'.
Dyslexia is definitely not the end of the world. When handled properly you can develop other abilities and learn abilities others, yet, don't have.
Embrace dyslexia, don't hate it. See it as an opportunity to learn new stuff. Stuff you otherwise would not see, feel or mention in this world.

Dyslexia is seen as a hidden disability but is also a hidden source of great abilities
Develop compensating skills as a reaction to their difficulties.

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 18 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

21 january '14

The exploration of unknown territory: Wordpress, database and ftp client

I learned a lot today! But first I want to share with you the fact that I created my first wordpress site-to-build.
A big mouth and always shouting I can do it, but stuff with computers or IT? Never thought that would happen. When it starts with "www", my head starts spinning. But today I managed to:

1. download wordpress
2. download filezilla (didn't even know you needed this!)
3. uploaded the wordpress with filezilla to the server
4. configured my database
5. after one hour of puzzling I had a big smile looking at the dashboard for my first wordpress site

If I can do it! You can do it! Now it's time to build a nice appearance of my site which is called or XLD for short.

Keep you posted of course!! Now it's time to study creativity. I worked longer on this. Better to much information and a little less sleep. Tomorrow won't be a busy day. In the contrary of the last 3 weeks! In my enthusiasm and workaholic modus I slept an average of 5/6 hours a night.
Normally I do 9 hours so for me it's big! But going strong, feeling happy, inspired and healthy!

Monday, January 20, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 17 | All about creativity

20 january '14

What do Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Richard Branson have in common?

The names are not random. Their ideas are not common. Why do I read about these people? Everybody knows Albert Einstein. Off course, why wouldn't you. Relativity etc. But did you know that he never wear socks? Or did you know that he failed is entrance exam for university? This is weird, that's what I think is interesting.

Everybody knows +Steve Jobs. But, and this is a shame, not everybody knows +Richard Branson . Fortunately almost everybody knows Virgin Atlantic or +Virgin *something*.
But did you know that all three guys share the same disability called: Dyslexia.

What is the link between dyslexia and creativity?

I'm going to research this tomorrow? Anyone who already knows the answer? Please comment below!

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 17 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

20 january '14

10 reasons to redesign your life!

When I see and read other blogs I doubt myself. Is my writing good enough? Do people really read my story? Why would they read my story? Is it a story?
I started this blog because I wanted to research my own passion and inspiration. And I think there are more people with this questions in life.

To be weird in life is not very difficult, to be unique is! So I'm weird but probably not the only one in this big world in search of passion, inspiration. Ready to re-design life as I know it.

Why would you re-design your life?

1. You only live once
2. It's to easy to live somebody else's life instead of your own
3. Did I mention, you only live once!
4. There is more in life then just work
5. Experience is just one mouse-click away
6. If you need stimuli, this is the path to choose
7. Even if you are in a relationship, have kids or a very busy job, you can also re-design
8. Taking matter in your own hands is a choice
9. An idea gets value if you put it in to action
10. O, before I forget: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!

This blog and journey, is my action into re-designing life. Today I've bought a new domain. In the future this will be my blog site and I won't be using blogspot anymore.

Sharing my journey, try to inspire as many people as possible. And it starts with YOU! I made a choice and I'm going to stick with it. Why? What's the value of 'choice' if you quit after a few weeks. It's just a loss of time and energy.

This year will be all about designing life, redefine my goals, purpose and find passion, inspiration and take action.
Experience life, meet new people. Why? Because I can! Can you?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 16 | All about creativity

19 january '14

The research on creativity is not very creative!
But very interesting though....

If you start researching creativity. Most people tell the same story, only with different words and their own vantage point.

The secret to creativity by +Mike Dillon
You have to think inside box according to Mike Dillon, a former imagineer at Disney Studios. To be creative, to get new ideas, you have to fill your box with knowledge.
Experience new stuff! Do stuff you normally wouldn't do. With all the digital media there no longer is an excuse for not experiencing new stuff.


Creativity and imagination by +Gregg Fraley
Ask the mind for images, text. Try to Relax, wander around, sit, sleep, do what works for you. Go for Mash Ups. Bring to concepts together.
Imagination is something you choose.

Ideas are meaningless unless you put them in to action!

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 16 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

19 january '14

If I want a good blog, I need to....

1. be clear on the subject
My subject is lifestyle design. Asking big questions and provoke people taking matter in to their own hands. I'm showing this by taking my own matter in my own two hands! Showing the world what you can do whit just 30 hours, spend focused, in a month on a special subject. Learning by trying. Trying to fail.

2. be authentic
This is me. Me is positive, hard working, realistic dreamer, game changer, life enthusiast, time manager, human being.
I need stimuli! I need inspiration! The world is full of inspiration and stimuli. This is me getting as much as I can out of this world.

3. try to write distinct, self explanatory, explicit
Learning by doing. For a dutch guy with no experience in language, this is very difficult. Especcially the sentence structure is hard.

How do you do it?

Friday, January 17, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 15 | All about creativity

17 january '14

Lateral thinking, step by step creativity explained, part 3

I've been reading the book. Everyday I manage to read about 50 pages. So in just 8 days it will be finished! Interesting is the pragmatic view of the book. Practical examples, excersices to try out for yourself and after a clear explanation.

Lateral thinking is the same as inductive thinking

Lateral thinking can be deliberately and self-consciously unreasonable in order to provoke a new pattern

Lateral thinking is a way of handling information

The lateral thinking attitude involves a refusal to accept rigid patterns and secondly an attempt to put things together in different ways.

Lateral thinking is always trying to generate alternatives, to restructure patterns.

Lateral thinking is never a judgement

All credits go directly to Edward de Bono!


17 january '14

Nobody can hurt me without my permission
by Mahatma Gandhi

Today I wanted to start with a nice quote. People use them all the time. Sometimes there are a few people who try to live by some quotes and make them rules for life.
Some rules I live by are in my post of yesterday. About the title quote. I just found it on the internet, because I wanted a catchy title to start this blog about my first 'fighting' experience.

I did a lot of judo, but for me, that is not fighting. Today I had my first lesson MMA. Mixed Martial Arts. MMA is a full contact combat sport. It's about striking, grappling. Standing and on the ground.

A hardcore training with conditional excersices. Learning some basic techniques. And getting really tired, stoked and creating doubt. For your interest, I'm the guy in the white short!
I would expect to enjoy this so much. The title says a one day challenge, but there is a big chance that I will go again. Also because I made a pact with a good friend, who happens to be my fishmonger. LOL. We gonna take a period of structural lessons MMA.

To see how I did, here are some pictures and a video.



CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 15 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

17 january '14

The art of making a choice

A friend of mine told me something today. When I see you, I see a person who made choice making in to an art form. You don't just make a choice. There happens more inside that brain of yours. 
Ofcourse that made me think and the more I think about this, the more I get his point.

When I talk with people it's all about choice. Being positive is a choice. Choosing to go for subject which you can influence, is a choice. Choice and choosing is a way of life. I enjoy the process of choice making. Deciding what to do.

And the power of choice is what really keeps me going on this subject. If you make a choice, it is important that you stick with it until you reach the point or goal which is bound to the choice. Otherwise, what's the point of making the choice if you go in a different direction before reaching your goal or point.

When you buy stuff, you have to pay for it. Most of the time there is a que line. Now the interesting part for choice making. You make the choice to buy. You want the product. If you want to use the product you have to stand in the line until you are at the register and you can pay. 

The question: 
What is the value of waiting in line, move a spot, and quit waiting before you reach the register? Do you really like to start again all the way in the back. If you don't finish the line all the way to the register, all the effort would be a loss.

Please, think about that, let it walk the brain before you make another choice.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 14 | All about creativity

16 january '14

Lateral thinking, step by step creativity explained, part 2

Vertical thinking is all about rightness
Lateral thinking is all about richness

Vertical thinking selects a pathway by excluding other pathways
Lateral thinking does not select but seeks to open up new pathways

Vertical thinking selects the most promising approach
Lateral thinking generates as many alternative approaches as possible

Vertical thinking looks through approaches for the most promising one
Lateral thinking finds a promising one and keeps generating and keeps looking for more

Vertical thinking only moves when there is a direction to move to
Lateral thinking moves in order to generate direction

Vertical thinking is analytical
Lateral thinking is provocative

Vertical thinking is sequential
Lateral thinking can move in jumps

Vertical thinking follows the most likely path
Lateral thinking explores the least likely ones

Vertical thinking is finite
Lateral thinking is probabilistic

The vertical thinker says: I know what I'm looking for
The lateral thinker says: I'm looking, but i won't know what I'm looking for until I have found it

A small note about todays workshops

Teacher? You look exactly like Obi wan Kenobi of the Star Wars.

If I want to know about fantasy, I observe kids. If I want to be inspired, I converse with kids. If I want to be creative I listen to kids. 

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 14 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

16 january '14

Wake up! It is time to start living!

The last two weeks I wake up around 7 am and go to bed around 1.30 am. Long days, fully packed. If somebody told me that I would do this now, a few months ago, I would say that person is crazy.
But now? I feel more alive and I'm still going strong. 
Sometimes my body feels tired, but my mind just keeps going on! How is this possible? 

1. I'm doing a lot of stuff, I really enjoy
2. I eat 99% extremely healthy food. The docter told me yesterday, I need to eat more 'bad fats', because of low body fat.
3. Active relaxation. Today I did a workshop Tango. An intense focus on the body, on the feelings, on the person you (try) to dance with.
4. Stimuli. As long as I get new stimuli I can keep going. When I don't get enough stimuli I melt-down and I eventually get the classic burn-out symptoms. I call this a Bore-Out!

Some of the rules I use in my life
- Once I make a choice, stick with it
- If I do something, I do it with passion
- There is no learning, without trying. (Niet geprobeerd is niet geleerd)
- Always ask a question before you start judging
- Challenge your own status quo
- Be curious, sincere and (brutally) honest
- Inspire and be inspired
- Everything impossible, until the first person has done it. I can be the first person
- Do uncomfortable stuff
- Fail as often as possible

ONE TIME CHALLENGE | Tango workshop

16 january '14

Charlie, Tango, Bravo

My first impulsive action of the year! I went fully out of my comfort zone today. On tuesday I went on a dinner with a colleague and friend. We had a great 'authentic' thai meal and spent the time with some great conversation topics. One of the topics was 'the Tango'. He told me a story about the beauty of this dance. Besides the beauty he described all the feelings and interactions, between human beings, while dancing this extraordinary dance!

So I was stoked and that same night I went for a research and found where they teach you all about the Argentinian Tango. The funny part is that the have lessens to try for free until thursday 16th, today! Without hesitation I mailed and today I had a workshop/lesson!

What a difficult but interesting way of dancing. Especially the feeling and interaction between the male and female. Learning to lead, learning to feel and learning all about your own posture and movement. A very uncomfortable situation for me. I had to touch strange women. I had to move in a way that I've never done before. I had to be social.

Patience, relaxation, feeling, listening, body language, focus, trying, failing, learning. So many words come to mind and all just after 1,5 hour of trying something I never tried before!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 13 | All about creativity

15 january '14

Lateral thinking vs. vertical thinking

Today I started reading the book of Edward de Bono. The book is called 'Lateral thinking, step by step creativity explained'.
Learning for me is also reading books about the subject. And to make it more powerful for me I make notes during the reading sessions.

A few notes of today:

- One can only admire a result but one can learn to use a process

- Liberation from old ideas and the stimulation of new ones are twin aspects of lateral thinking

- Lateral thinking is digging holes on different locations, while vertical thinking is digging the same hole deeper.

- You can't dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper

- Lateral thinking is a very basic part of thinking in general

Lateral thinking is 
--> restructuring old patterns and provoking new ones
--> the use of information for the effect
--> deliberately seeking irrelevant information
--> generative

Vertical thinking is
--> selecting only what's relevant
--> selective
--> making a conclusion after a pre determined series of steps
--> developing ideas which are generated by lateral thinking
--> proving and developing concept patterns
--> digging the same hole deeper

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 13 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

15 january '14

Healthy aging

Today I went for my annual health check. Sounds interesting? This are my  health check results at this moment.

Name: Tjitze Postma
Length: 176 cm
Weight: 71 kg
Age: 28 years

BMI: 23
Bodyfat: 8%
Organ fat: 1

Blood pressure: 64/121
Cholesterol: 4
Glucose level: 5.5

Metabolic age: 13 years :D (I think this is super funny)

The most scary thing (yeah some things are scary to do for me) was the scale. Since my last matches in judo I've never touched a scale again. I reject the machine deeply. It makes me feel anxious. When I see my weight I think about it and decide in my head, that I weigh to much. This is the process of years and years of weightless for matches. Even after 8 or 9 years I have the compulsive feeling of loosing weight. 
The nice lady who helped me said that I'm super healthy. There's only one big subject, which can become dangerous. That's the body fat. That super low for a guy. Normal would be around 12%. Below 8% is not healthy anymore. So she advised me to check this every 3 months or so. 

That's what I'm gonna do. My health is very important for me. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 12 | All about creativity

14 january '14

Teach what you preach and implement what you learn

My work today was all about teaching kids 'Free' 'Running'. And it is interesting to see that during this workshops more and more knowledge of 'creativity' is implemented. My workshop freerunning is all about the art of making a choice. Making a choice and taking response ability for your own actions and behavior.

We started with 10 minutes of free running. Own responsibility, own choice. You are the director, coach, trainer, first aid ;), motivator. Everything is possible as long as you respect your environment and your co students.

Next 5 minutes was all about individual creating. You take a certain situation and you try to make up as many options as possible to deal with the situation. Key words are focus, concentration, silence and no secret meetings or get-togethers. During this 5 minute exercise it is not allowed to speak.

Break time is about showing the different solutions you came up with. With each other we came up to at least 6 or 7 different, unique solutions for one given situation.

The exercise now is 10 minutes and you have to learn somebody else's solutions, you came up with. Learn from each other, communicate, respect. When one speaks the other listens. Explain the importance of this skill for example. And so on.

I came up with this idea because of the article I read. The article explained that creativity is a individual task and the group comes in the picture when decisions have to be made.

Today was a hard day of work! A hard but energetic day. My food is great, my energy level is perfect, I'm super stoked and focused. The kids have good energy and that resonates back to me.

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 12 | 30 day challenges and learn how to blog

14 january '14

What's your plan?

I went for an update today. Did some research on different topics. Didn't feel like to search about the blog. Went for planning and structure of the program today. And I ordered a few books about creativity online! Yeah, looking forward to do some reading as well.

30-day challenges
1. All about creativity
2. Be a broker
3. Drums
4. Lifehacking
5. Project management
6. Hold my breath for 5 minutes
7. Start a new business
8. Learn magic
9. Develope a unique product
10. Write a E-book
11. French language
12. Selfmade communication expert
13. Didgeridoo
14. Swedish language
15. English language
16. Google adsens
17. Car mechanics
18. Live without buying plastic
19. Maori language and culture
20. Fixed gear bouwen
21. Zen budism

Multi challenges (challenges that can't be done in one month for some reason)
1. MMA
2. Skydiving
3. Ballet
4. Run a marathon
5. Pole dancing
6. One arm pull ups

One day challenges/experiences
1. Tango
2. Singing
3. Writing

Monday, January 13, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 11 | All about creativity

13 january '14

How to capture your creativity

First note
Our creative potential is virtually shut don by early schooling. When there is no time for fun, eventually creativity will vanish.

Second note
The myths about creativity keeps us shore bound.

- With the right skills you can boost your creativity by a factor 10 or more.
- Creativity is an extension of what you already know
- New behavior and ideas emerge as old behaviors interact
- Behavior flows and it never stops changing
- Creativity is always an individual process
- Groups are better at selecting good ideas than at generating them.

4 techniques for a creative boost

1. Capturing
- Pay attention to new ideas that occur
- When an idea or thought flows in your mind, write it down
- Three B's for places, which are popular, to capture ideas. The Bed, Bath and Bus

2. Challenging
- Put yourself in difficult situations
- Go for open ended problem solving. As many as possible solutions
- Try to solve "Ultimate Problems"
a. You have 24 hours to create world peace
b. One year to stop pollution and prevent future pollution 
c. Stop the process of aging
- Failure is a great wellspring of creativity

3. Broadening
- Train often
- Train diverse
- Take courses in subjects you know nothing about

4. Surrounding
- Surround yourself by diverse and ever changing stimuli


CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 11 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

13 january '14

Things I never thought I would do or try 

1. Ballet
2. Singing 
3. Pole dancing course 
4. Sky diving 
5. Mixed Martial Arts 
6. Writing

Will I master them to perfection? No! Will I fail? A lot I think. I will try to fail as often as I can, to learn as much as possible.

I'm going to participate in a writing course 16th of march at Just a small extra challenge to learn more about writing. Costs €150,- for a day course in Amsterdam.

Ballet is at my hometown and costs me €195 for 30 lessons. So this can be a 30 day challenge of course. I'm going to check how this works, and what the possibilities are for a grown man with no experience at all! Fun!!

MMA is on friday nights. It starts at 6 pm and stops at 7.30 pm. I will try it this friday 17th of january. The nerves are already in my stomach, when I think about it.

Singing really gives me the nerves. I really, really can't sing. That's my opinion. This is really out of my comfort zone..... We'll see. Lesson cost around €20,- for half an hour. Reasonable prices.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 10 | All about creativity

12 january '14

Challenge yourself, know your space and die empty.

I started the session with a video. The video of +Todd Henry. Coincidence? Luck? I don't think so. Nothing happens without reason. An interesting video especially when he started to talk about "Unnecessary Creating". After that line I listened very intrigued and careful. 

It gives goose bumps to hear, see and notice this video. This moment at this time. This moment of doing challenges, planned everything ahead. And then hear someone on the other side of the world talking about the things I'm doing now. Without any knowledge at the start. 

Creativity as a challenge subject. Why the first subject? All questions that come to mind now! I don't know why, just a feeling. Coincidence? Hmmm.....

Question: What's the most valuable land in the whole world? 

Answer: The graveyard, because of all the unchallenged ideas, unwritten books, business ideas which stayed just an idea.

And +Todd Henry decided to write two simple words on his wall after hearing this.


Thank you +Todd Henry. I'm looking forward to meet you some day. 

Anybody who wants to know what I mean because you've been reading this blog? Just check the video below.

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 10 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

12 january '14

Writing skills. What? 

The quest about better blogging takes me to sites about writing skills. I need skills or methods to improve my writing. On the website +wikihow you can find a article about methods for improving your writing.

Method 1 The basics
- Write active instead of passive
- Use strong words, but this doesn't mean you use complicated words
- Write simple direct and clear
- Let readers discover what you mean, don't explain it in detail
- Avoid cliches
- Break the rules
- Keep editing

Method 2 Read a lot of books
- Read classic good books and learn to understand why it's classic.
- Go to theatre, read newspapers, magazines
- Try not to copy the style of classical good writers. Do some free writing exercise to discover your own style

Method 3 Write a lot, write often, write as much as you can
- Write everything that comes to mind down in a notebook
- Buy a new notebook when the first one is full
- Go for a writing class, do a workshop, learn from other people
- Just write every single day!

Writing or blogging, in my situation it's the same. I write every day, except on saturdays. Maybe it's time to read more classic novels. The books I read are all non-fiction. That's what I like. I will write a book this year and that will be a non fiction, informative book. This methods as described above, might come in handy.
16th of march there is a writing workshop in Amsterdam. organizes a training for column writing. This looks interesting and I put it in my agenda.

Friday, January 10, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 9 | All about creativity

10 januari '14

Creativity, it's a skill for life!

First video 4 lessons in creativity by +Julie Burstein

Creativity is about shifting between control and letting go (sounds to me as a nice metaphor for convergent and divergent thinking)

If you want to be creative, please pay attention to the world around you!

1. Experience
2. Challenge
3. Limitations
4. Loss

Reading these 4 lessons, I more and more think that doing these challenges everyday experiencing new stuff and discovering my own limitations and try to push the boundaries of those limitations is a valuable thing!

Fail and come out of it, more beautiful. Scars and cracks are not by definition ugly.

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 9 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

10 januari '14
You know the feeling of being stuck in life? You don't know why you live on this planet? 

What can I do so I contribute to this planet? I live a crazy and different lifestyle already. Most people I know work 9 - 5. Get married. Have kids. Buy a house.
Me I'm 28 and I got nothing of that matter.
 There always are a lot of people who envy what I do. I'm free, I can choose, nevertheless I'm not happy and don't know my core-passion at this moment.

I started this blog for many reasons. The three that immediately come to mind are:

1. I lost my passion. I'm in search of. And I think this can help me on that journey
2. I really like to inspire people and be inspired
3. Keeping track of all the stuff I do with my life. A sort of diary.

Like I said in this post. At this moment my life is all about two companies. A boulder gym with two friends and a educational company. That's work wise.

Things I really enjoy are:

1. Food
I'm a food maniac. Vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, fish, chocolate, super foods and small amounts of cheese and eggs is all I eat. And for drinking, I only drink water or green tea and fresh herbal teas. Only on saturdays I allow myself to eat some 'bad' stuff.

- I don't eat bread
- I don't eat pasta
- I don't eat rice
- I don't do caffeine (just what's in green tea)
- I don't do alcohol (occasionally red wine)
- I don't do drugs

Portabello with homemade pesto, cherry tomato,
goat cheese and some pine seeds,
For example, I start my day with a smoothie build form a green vegetable like Kale, Spinach, Lettuce, Paksoi. Put this in the blender with banana, avocado, oranges, papaya, kiwi, chia seeds, maca powder and hennep proteine. Depending on the season I also use strawberry, dragon fruit, lychees, pomme granate.

2. Sports
I climb. I climb a lot. But I started with judo when I was young. After judo, came breakdance. From the breakdance I went into kitesurfing. The difficulty I encounter is that after I while I've seen the world of the sport and look for a new challenge. Now my challenge is climbing, and I still keep going and don't feel bored at all!

I need a lot of stimulus to keep me going. Some people suffer from Burn Out. I sometimes suffer from a Bore Out. Same symptoms like a burn out only an other cause.

3. Training
I like the principles of training. And as you can see, the other to topics have a connection with training. Food is important, it depends on the type of sport your doing. But for example, this week I train not much because I do full maximum power training for climbing. But in regular weeks I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, climb 3 times a week, walk with my two dogs (at this moment three)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 8 | All about creativity

9 january '14

Tēnā Koe - Welcome (aka 'there you are' in Maori)

Fun to start with a new challenge! On the list can be written the language culture of the Maori. I'm really looking forward reading en learning about this culture.
But for now we go back to the subject of the Challenge. Its all about creativity.

Today I went on the Youtube and watch some of my favorite channels: I ran in to a lot of speeches about creativity. They all are unique but they also got a lot in common. The notes I took during the videos, is what I'm sharing and I will also give you the link to the video.

The first video | You're more creative than you think you are by +John Paul Caponigro

We hear and we forget, we see and we remember, we do and we know.

Free association
1 Don't judge
2 Don't censor
3 Set a high quota
4 Move on when you reach saturation
5 Analyze after

Draw/Sketch the scenario or pattern which you see in your mind, so you can alert your brain and mind to keep an eye out in reality during the day.

- Break the rules
- Learn to fail

Fail often! The only real failure is not learning from failure!


A nice book to read: Brainrules

The second video | The art of creativity by +Taika Waititi

Look through the lense of a child

It's about perspective
It's about obsession
It's about failure

What you see in this video is a lot of what I already recognize now from other videos, books or text. It's about free associative, connect and combine, quantity, perspective, fail as much as you can.

The third video | Creativity as a life skill by +Gerard Puccio

"To live is to have problems and to solve problems is to grow creatively" +J.P. Guilford

Evolution teaches us conformity
Conformity --> Comfort --> Don't think, just follow --> No growth
Creativity --> Uncomfort --> Think, and lead --> Grow, learn and adapt

But evolution also teaches us creativity!

We are born to be creative

Divergent thinking --> The creation of variation
Convergent thinking --> The selective retention of those novel creations which enhance the ability to survive

Contextual focus is deliberate manage your thinking.

And again of course, why not.
- suspend your judgement
- go for quantity

To get the best idea, have and learn to create many ideas!

For how we know it, education is about finding the one right answer. Conformation. The interesting part is, life itself is everything BUT one right answer.

The fourth movie | Creativity requires time by +simplybest007
In the movie below there's a short explanation about the factor 'time' in the context of creativity. Watch it, enjoy it and learn ;)

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 8 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

9 january '14

This subject is on the list because I was a little bit afraid that I wouldn't start. Or that it would be difficult. But I really enjoy writing about my experience. It is still difficult, but that is because i'm a perfectionist. Especially creativity is not hard at all. But I find it really hard to write about learning to blog or shaping my 30 day challenges.

Shaping my challenges is not a difficult task I already have until september. Maybe some subjects will switch, but there are only a few that need serious planning.

Yesterday I decided that Singing is going to be a new challenge to put on the list. Another one which I want to do is create an E-book instead of just writing à book.
And this sounds a bit crazy but I always wanted to learn some basic Ballet.

- Ballet
- Singing
- Write an E-book
- Adsense

I just made a Facebook page. I don't know if that's a good thing, but since I'm still a newby in business I listen to most people around. Everybody tells you, face book is a thing you need to do, especially when you're in business.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 7 | All about creativity

Creativity and why we all want it!

I want to be creative, because I think it's a skill that can enrich my lifestyle. Maybe creativity gives you more choices, perspective and even opportunities? I don't know.
What I do know is that we all want it. What I now know, because I've done one week, is that we can all learn to be more creative! And learning is a choice you make.

For example
Why am I always a bit jealous, on the person who get's amazing critics in talent shows. Especially the singers. I really love the singing. Singing for me is a form of vocal creativity. For me it's expression, music gives me a feeling. Music is something you can share with others. And for me, it feels like a connection tool for human beings. (Same for me, when I'm talking about or doing sports.)
With a song you can connect with people. They can identify, I can identify, you can identify.

But in my head it goes: "Awh, I wish I could sing like that. But unfortunately I can't sing."
Why do I/we say that?

Did I really (really) try? No. (shower sessions don't count)
Did I take lessons? No.

How can I or we be jealous on a skill we all possess. I have a voice. I can sing a song. My opinion is that I really suck in it! But let us put this skill into a challenge.

Let's go and take lessons. At least then I can say I've tried and really suck in it. It's easy to say: "I suck in this or that", without exploring all options and trying or training.

Creative above average
Ideas, movement expression, verbally all areas in which I can say: I'm creative. But when I thing about creative, I think about

- Writing poems or a novel
- Singing
- Painting
- Sculpting
- Drawing

Most of the time skills where people create something out of nothing. This is what I want to do to! Why?

the funny part now, while I'm writing I see the headline and I already know the answer.
I DON'T KNOW WHY WE WANT TO BE CREATIVE! But I know I want to learn it and try to become more creative. Do you want to learn it?

Note: I'm going to put a new challenge on the list: Singing lessons

For the people who like to see one of my Interest and Happy videos, check below.

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 7 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

8 january '14
How an intense reading session on different blogs, can change your perspective and motivation!

Today was hard. I've been really tired and had no energy. Completely drained from all the work. Work which most of the time I don't even get paid for.
(Again time for a small insight.)

I'm a entrepeneur. But a weird one. I run two business. One on my own and one with two friends.

What moves you is my own company and is all about lifestyle sports education. I teach PE teachers all about 'the power of choices' with Freerunning. Breakdance is all about 'Failing with confidence' and another one is Capoeira, you're stronger together. So it's physical work. Courses, workshops and education.

Gropo Bouldergym is with two friends. And this is a sporting facility in the city Groningen. This is a special business.
We are a non profit organization and all the money the gym earns goes back in to the business. We don't get a paycheck out of this business. The doors openend november 2012 and we get around 40 - 60 visitors a day, depending on the day!
It's all about society, community and feeling. It's build by volunteers and run by volunteers. Sometimes people ask me, why are you doing this.

We are doing this because we can. It's a choice.

A lot of my time goes in this form of business and since we all got 24 hours a day my weeks are fully packed. Yesterday I worked from 7.30 am till 1.30 am! And because of the non profit, all the money goes in to the business. Because volunteers don't get money, we don't get money.

Why this choice for 30 day challenge? I want to do something different with my life! I live an extraordinary lifestyle, but still i'm searching for new opportunities. Most people think I'm crazy and I should be happy with the things I've build and do. But, weird as I am, I am not.

Search, learn, innovate your life, design it etcetera.

And today I read And it motivated. I am going to try and build up a form of passive income, to create more time. More time to do stuff that matter to me, but as important, matter to the world.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 6 | All about creativity

Creativiteit in 7 stappen +raphael diluzio 

1. Vorm een idee, vraag of probleem!

2. Ga op onderzoek uit. Wees nieuwsgierig!

3. Genoeg is genoeg. Weet wanneer je klaar bent. Je kan zoeken tot je dood en nog niet klaar zijn.

4. Maak een metafoor van het idee, vraag of probleem. Visualiseer.

5. Aha moment. Het moment van vertrouwen in het idee.

6. Aan de slag. Handel zonder angst, maak fouten! Deel de uitkomst.

7. Test, wees kritisch, deel het met de wereld.

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 6 | 30 day challenges and learn how to blog

7 januari '14

De kracht van keuze en waarom dan starten met een blog?

Keuzes maken is inherent verbonden aan de persoon, Tjitze Postma. Een goede bekende zei me laatst: 'Je maakt altijd de juiste keuze, het is de tijd achteraf die zorgt dat je hier een 'goed' of 'fout' aan verbindt'.

Keuzes hebben altijd een hele belangrijke rol gespeeld in mijn leven. Steeds vaker, steeds meer durf ik bewust een keuze te maken en hier bij te blijven. In het begin wilde ik niet de keuze maken.
Het fenomeen: 'Alles willen meemaken!".

Een keuze is persoonlijk, een keuze is rijkdom, een keuze is mens zijn. De kracht van keuzes laat ik terug komen in mijn werk met kinderen, studenten en volwassenen. Waarom is dit belangrijk? Een keuze geeft persoonlijkheid aan, perspectief en misschien zelfs een stuk identiteit. Een keuze maken geeft ook kracht.
Wanneer ik twijfel, vaak aan dingen die ik wil doen maar toch slecht voor me zijn. Bijvoorbeeld het eten van suiker. (een kleine insight, ik ben een ontzettende 'health freak', dwangmatig gezond volgens vrienden) Wanneer ik de drang voel om iets 'slechts' te eten, galmt het zinnetje:

"Niet doen Postma, je hebt een keuze gemaakt."

Deze gaat door het hoofd dwalen. Waarom, weet ik niet precies, maar het werkt wel! Het geeft besef en zet me weer terug op de wereld.

Hetzelfde geld voor alles wat ik met dit blog aan het doen ben.
In december ben ik gestart met een 30 dagen foto project. Elke dag maak ik foto's van dingen/mensen/situaties die op dat moment voor mij betekenisvol zijn. De achterliggende gedachte, is de zoektocht naar passie. Al maanden ben ik mijn passie kwijt. Ik weet niet meer waar ik in de ochtend voor wakker moet worden. Dit terwijl voor de buitenwereld ik werk doe en een leven leidt waar anderen jaloers op zijn.
Hieruit is het idee ontstaan om een jaar lang mezelf te prikkelen. Wat vind ik namelijk leuk. Leren! Nieuwe dingen doen, nieuw prikkels toegediend krijgen, nieuwe mensen ontmoeten.
Dus ik ga leren bloggen, ik ga kijken of ik consequent een blog kan onderhouden met alle ervaringen en belevenissen die er bij horen.
Het leuke is, dat er de hele dag gedachtes door het hoofd gaan die gericht zijn op dit hele project. Ik ben erg geprikkeld en wanneer ik bijvoorbeeld wil slapen, maar nog een onderwerp moet behandelen gaat weer de zin:

"Niet doen Postma, je hebt een keuze gemaakt."

Door het hoofd heen dwalen. En het zorgt voor duidelijkheid, richting en een persoonlijke structuur. Ik heb mezelf voorgenomen niet te gaan slapen alvorens het blog geschreven is en er twee uren van de dag gebruikt zijn voor verdieping in de gekozen onderwerpen.

Hoe word je beter in bloggen?
1. Motivatie is een leervoorwaarde
2. Oefen
3. Oefen
4. Lees andere blog
5. Vraag actief feedback

En natuurlijk ben ik weer gaan zoeken. Zo kom ik terecht op Een informatieve website met betrekking tot het bloggen. Twee mannen hebben  de krachten gebundeld en leren je hoe een goed blog op te zetten.
Ik heb me ingeschreven voor een gratis cursus en ben heel benieuwd hoe dit zal aflopen.

Monday, January 6, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 5 | All about creativity

6 januari '14

All about mind tools!

The concept fan
Steesd een stap terug zetten en je blikveld verbreden. Daar komt het simpelweg op neer. Je hebt een groot probleem. Uit welke onderdelen bestaat dit probleem?
Elke onderdeel kan weer uit verschillende onderdelen bestaan. Zo ga je door en kun je uiteindelijk tot hapklare brokken komen om aan te pakken!

De zes denkhoeden
Witte hoed
kale feiten en cijfers
Je gaat uit van objectieve informatie.
Rode hoed
gevoel en intuïtie
Je reageert emotioneel (zonder een reden te hoeven geven).
Zwarte hoed
negatief / pessimistisch
Je bent advocaat van de duivel.
Gele hoed
positief / optimistisch
Je bekijkt het van de zonnige kant en zoekt naar de voordelen.
Groene hoed
Je mag freewheelen in je manier van denken (vrij associëren, alternatieven bedenken).
Blauwe hoed
beschouwend, controlerend
Je houdt het proces in de gaten.
De zes denkhoeden van E. de Bono.

Bekijk en bespreek problemen letterlijk of figuurlijk, met een gekleurde hoed op. Deze methode creëert een gedwongen verandering van perspectief. Elke hoed geeft een voorzet in denkrichting.


CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 5 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

6 januari '14

Bloggen voor beginners
Wat is het eerste beeld van een blog? Juist, de titel met de beschrijving of de plaatjes. Wanneer dit prikkelt, wordt de aandacht van de lezer vast gehouden en is de kans groter dat er door gelezen wordt.

Wanneer je leest op het internet komt je al snel uit bij de Blogacademie. Je tikt op google 'leren bloggen' en je komt uit bij @KittyKilian. Een, voor mij in ieder geval, bijzonder interessant verhaal. Ik lees nieuwe termen als

Permissie marketing

Zakelijk bloggen

Super leerzaam voor mezelf! Wil je iets weten over bloggen? Wil je gelijk een tof gevoel bij een blog, dan moet je hier een paar posts van lezen! Je merkt het al en leest het aan de vormgeving van de dropdown menu's.

Deze prikkelen mij omdat ze 'bewust' anders zijn. Althans die aanname doe ik even stiekum. bijvoorbeeld:

'Broodnodige FAQ's'
'Ernstige ervaringen'.

Dat vindt ik mooi. En het grappige is, dat ze me aanzet tot denken en vervolgens doet twijfelen om deel te nemen aan een cursus van haar! Het werkt dus ook nog. Ze is in staat bij mij op het gevoel te zitten.
Van daaruit kom ik bijvoorbeeld terug bij onderwerpen die ik belangrijk vindt en waar ik soms studenten sportmanagement op wijs.

'Wanneer je iets onderneemt of zakelijk succes wilt behalen, ga een gevoel verkopen!' Wanneer mensen een gevoel hebben bij jouw dienst of product, heb je goud in je klauwen.

Hier zit veel meer achter natuurlijk, maar kort gezegd komt het er op neer dat je een vorm van identificatie zoekt. Mensen voelen zich goed bij het kopen van producten van Apple. Apple is een stukje identiteit. Apple is in staat een gevoel te verkopen.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 4 | All about creativity

5 januari '14

Elke dag ga ik het internet op en lees, leer en exploreer de wondere wereld van creativiteit. Voor 30 dagen is dat mijn onderwerp en challenge. Mijn verhalen zijn daarom ook niet altijd even samenhangend omdat het om informatie gaat die ik heb gevonden en interessant vindt. Deels probeer ik wel door te borduren op eerdere opgedane kennis.

Creatieve Adaptie
Het is lastig om vanuit niets, iets te maken. Met behulp van creatieve adaptie probeer je van een bestaand iets, iets nieuws te vormen. Zoals veel dingen in onze wereld, is bijna alles wel ergens op gebaseerd. Volledig uniek en vanuit een nulpunt ontwikkeld is lastig.

Verschillende vormen van creatieve aanpassing
Directe adaptie – Een boek verfilmen bijvoorbeeld
Losse flodder adaptie – Een onderdeel zorgt voor inspiratie voor een nieuw geheel zonder hierbij de oude vorm echt te herkennen.
Patroon adaptie – Patronen gebruiken en toepassen in verschillende situaties.
Constructieve adaptie – Doorbouwen of verder borduren op de reeds ontwikkelde basis van een ander.

Wanneer het om adaptie gaat is het erg van belang dat je het nieuwe idee of product ‘van jezelf maakt’. Authentiek.
Wanneer je veel lijkt op het origineel, wordt het gezien als plagiaat. Wanneer je afdwaalt, wordt het een nieuw product en heeft het geen zin meer te spreken van aanpassing.

Iedereen is op zoek naar ideeën. Iedereen heeft wel eens ideeën, maar wat zorgt er nu voor dat je een idee krijgt?
      1.     Je moet er voor open staan. Wees je volledig bewust van alles in je omgeving.  
      2.     Probeer zaken van uit een ander perspectief te bekijken.
      3.     Combineer en creëer.
      4.     Omgeef je met mensen die jouw inspireren.
      5.     Slaap voldoende. De nachtrust is voor informatieverwerking
      6.     Neem altijd een klein notitieblok mee. Schrijf op wat in je op komt.
      7.     Stel je probleem ter discussie.
      8.     Ga wandelen.
      9.     Geen tv
     10.  Geen drugs  
     11.  Lees zoveel je kunt over de meest uiteenlopende onderwerpen
     12.  Train je hersenen. Lees, praat met ‘slimme’ mensen’, voer discussie

Anti Conventioneel Denken (ACT-anti conventional thinking)
Passend in het straat je van CPS en brainstorming. Anders omdat het gericht is op met name vanuit een ander perspectief kijken.
Bij CPS en Brainstorming is er meer sprake van kwantiteit. Veel ideeën, vaak vanuit een klein aantal perspectieven.

ACT werkt als volgt:
      1.     Ontleed het creatieve doel middels een flinke hoeveelheid vragen. Kom niet gelijk met ideeën en oplossingen
      2.     Formuleer een ‘sexy’ doel. Provocatief, interessant, en wenselijk
      3.     Construeer een groot, creatief idee. Een sexy idee om het sexy doel te behalen.
      4.     Actie plan. Het idee in stukken knippen zodat het behapbaar blijft.

      Vandaag heb ik mijn eerste echte 'Doodle' gemaakt. Een doodle is een lijnenspel, vaak betekenisloos, op een witte achtergrond. Met een andere kleur probeer je een eigen creatie te maken binnen vijf minuten, met behulp van de lijnen die je ziet. De foto hierboven is het resultaat. De zwarte lijn is de 'doodle' en blauw is bijgetekend.

Succes from the nest
Jeffrey Paul Baumgartner