Sunday, January 12, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 10 | All about creativity

12 january '14

Challenge yourself, know your space and die empty.

I started the session with a video. The video of +Todd Henry. Coincidence? Luck? I don't think so. Nothing happens without reason. An interesting video especially when he started to talk about "Unnecessary Creating". After that line I listened very intrigued and careful. 

It gives goose bumps to hear, see and notice this video. This moment at this time. This moment of doing challenges, planned everything ahead. And then hear someone on the other side of the world talking about the things I'm doing now. Without any knowledge at the start. 

Creativity as a challenge subject. Why the first subject? All questions that come to mind now! I don't know why, just a feeling. Coincidence? Hmmm.....

Question: What's the most valuable land in the whole world? 

Answer: The graveyard, because of all the unchallenged ideas, unwritten books, business ideas which stayed just an idea.

And +Todd Henry decided to write two simple words on his wall after hearing this.


Thank you +Todd Henry. I'm looking forward to meet you some day. 

Anybody who wants to know what I mean because you've been reading this blog? Just check the video below.

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