Tuesday, January 21, 2014

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 18 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

21 january '14

The exploration of unknown territory: Wordpress, database and ftp client

I learned a lot today! But first I want to share with you the fact that I created my first wordpress site-to-build.
A big mouth and always shouting I can do it, but stuff with computers or IT? Never thought that would happen. When it starts with "www", my head starts spinning. But today I managed to:

1. download wordpress
2. download filezilla (didn't even know you needed this!)
3. uploaded the wordpress with filezilla to the server
4. configured my database
5. after one hour of puzzling I had a big smile looking at the dashboard for my first wordpress site

If I can do it! You can do it! Now it's time to build a nice appearance of my site which is called +www.extremelifestyledesign.com or XLD for short.

Keep you posted of course!! Now it's time to study creativity. I worked longer on this. Better to much information and a little less sleep. Tomorrow won't be a busy day. In the contrary of the last 3 weeks! In my enthusiasm and workaholic modus I slept an average of 5/6 hours a night.
Normally I do 9 hours so for me it's big! But going strong, feeling happy, inspired and healthy!

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