Friday, January 24, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 19 | All about creativity

22 january '14

Why it's important to not know

Perspective on lateral thinking
Deliberate generation of different/alternative ways to look at things and/or situations
The challenge of assumptions. Ask 'why'.

The purpose of thinking
Thinking is about being effective, not about being right. Being right is about being right all the time. Being effective is about being right at the end.
Lateral thinking brings up ideas which may seem wrong in the proces, but are necessary for the upcoming restructuring and  'being right' in the end.

A small story about proces of change not the proces of proof.
'Education is soundly based on the need to be right all the time. Throughout education one is taught the correct facts, the correct deductions to be made from them and the correct way of making these deductions. One learns to be correct by being made very sensitive to what is incorrect. One learns to apply judgement at every stage and to follow up this judgement with the ‘no’ label. One learns how to say, ‘no’, ‘this is not so’, ‘this cannot be so’, ‘this does not lead to that’, ‘you are wrong here’, ‘this would never work’, ‘there is no reason for that’ and so on. This sort of thing is the very essence of vertical thinking and accounts for its great usefulness. The danger lies in the arrogance of the attitude that assumes that vertical thinking is sufficient. It is not. Exclusive emphasis on the need to be right all the time completely shuts out creativity and progress.'

Edward de Bono, Lateral thinking | creativity step by step

The importance of being right all the time creates a situation where one is afraid of failing and/or making mistakes.

I promote failing! Fail as often as you can! When you fail, you learn.
Doubt it. Doubt, if you gonna make it or if you going to fail it. Enjoy it, be curious. This is what we call a learning process. If you know you will pass a test. If you know you will make it to the other side. If you know, what will you learn?

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 19 | 30 day challenges and learn about blogging.

22 january '14

Wordpress is not as easy as it looks like.

It's hard for me to get used to the interface of wordpress. I've been busy for an hour straight on themes, writing content etc. This will be a short message just a note about what I did. 

Sorry more to come next time!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 18 | All about creativity

21 january '14

I have dyslexity

I can draw a dog spot on
and decorate a cake with fondant
Dyslexia makes reading and spelling both hard
but lets my art be on the cover of a card.

I think dyslexia opens up doors you won't open up on a regular basis, if you don't need to. When you are confronted with a dis-ability. Something everybody else experiences as normal but you can't do it! This dis-ability creates, opens up doors. It opens up doors, because otherwise you can't get in. And to keep on going you need to open doors!!

This open door, in my opinion is the way to a form of lateral thinking. A way to manage with a 'regular' and/or 'normal' situation in a different way because you need to! Not because you want it.

It's a necessity! Dyslexia forces you into a new perspective. And when you're positive about this perspective you can create new abilities and opportunities. When you're more negative, you get stuck.

You go in to an 'I can't' modus. A very dangerous modus. Dangerous, because it shuts down your system. I can't, implies 'you won't'.
Dyslexia is definitely not the end of the world. When handled properly you can develop other abilities and learn abilities others, yet, don't have.
Embrace dyslexia, don't hate it. See it as an opportunity to learn new stuff. Stuff you otherwise would not see, feel or mention in this world.

Dyslexia is seen as a hidden disability but is also a hidden source of great abilities
Develop compensating skills as a reaction to their difficulties.

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 18 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

21 january '14

The exploration of unknown territory: Wordpress, database and ftp client

I learned a lot today! But first I want to share with you the fact that I created my first wordpress site-to-build.
A big mouth and always shouting I can do it, but stuff with computers or IT? Never thought that would happen. When it starts with "www", my head starts spinning. But today I managed to:

1. download wordpress
2. download filezilla (didn't even know you needed this!)
3. uploaded the wordpress with filezilla to the server
4. configured my database
5. after one hour of puzzling I had a big smile looking at the dashboard for my first wordpress site

If I can do it! You can do it! Now it's time to build a nice appearance of my site which is called or XLD for short.

Keep you posted of course!! Now it's time to study creativity. I worked longer on this. Better to much information and a little less sleep. Tomorrow won't be a busy day. In the contrary of the last 3 weeks! In my enthusiasm and workaholic modus I slept an average of 5/6 hours a night.
Normally I do 9 hours so for me it's big! But going strong, feeling happy, inspired and healthy!

Monday, January 20, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 17 | All about creativity

20 january '14

What do Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Richard Branson have in common?

The names are not random. Their ideas are not common. Why do I read about these people? Everybody knows Albert Einstein. Off course, why wouldn't you. Relativity etc. But did you know that he never wear socks? Or did you know that he failed is entrance exam for university? This is weird, that's what I think is interesting.

Everybody knows +Steve Jobs. But, and this is a shame, not everybody knows +Richard Branson . Fortunately almost everybody knows Virgin Atlantic or +Virgin *something*.
But did you know that all three guys share the same disability called: Dyslexia.

What is the link between dyslexia and creativity?

I'm going to research this tomorrow? Anyone who already knows the answer? Please comment below!

CHALLENGE 1 | DAY 17 | 30 day challenges and learn to blog

20 january '14

10 reasons to redesign your life!

When I see and read other blogs I doubt myself. Is my writing good enough? Do people really read my story? Why would they read my story? Is it a story?
I started this blog because I wanted to research my own passion and inspiration. And I think there are more people with this questions in life.

To be weird in life is not very difficult, to be unique is! So I'm weird but probably not the only one in this big world in search of passion, inspiration. Ready to re-design life as I know it.

Why would you re-design your life?

1. You only live once
2. It's to easy to live somebody else's life instead of your own
3. Did I mention, you only live once!
4. There is more in life then just work
5. Experience is just one mouse-click away
6. If you need stimuli, this is the path to choose
7. Even if you are in a relationship, have kids or a very busy job, you can also re-design
8. Taking matter in your own hands is a choice
9. An idea gets value if you put it in to action
10. O, before I forget: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!

This blog and journey, is my action into re-designing life. Today I've bought a new domain. In the future this will be my blog site and I won't be using blogspot anymore.

Sharing my journey, try to inspire as many people as possible. And it starts with YOU! I made a choice and I'm going to stick with it. Why? What's the value of 'choice' if you quit after a few weeks. It's just a loss of time and energy.

This year will be all about designing life, redefine my goals, purpose and find passion, inspiration and take action.
Experience life, meet new people. Why? Because I can! Can you?