Tuesday, January 14, 2014

CHALLENGE 2 | DAY 12 | All about creativity

14 january '14

Teach what you preach and implement what you learn

My work today was all about teaching kids 'Free' 'Running'. And it is interesting to see that during this workshops more and more knowledge of 'creativity' is implemented. My workshop freerunning is all about the art of making a choice. Making a choice and taking response ability for your own actions and behavior.

We started with 10 minutes of free running. Own responsibility, own choice. You are the director, coach, trainer, first aid ;), motivator. Everything is possible as long as you respect your environment and your co students.

Next 5 minutes was all about individual creating. You take a certain situation and you try to make up as many options as possible to deal with the situation. Key words are focus, concentration, silence and no secret meetings or get-togethers. During this 5 minute exercise it is not allowed to speak.

Break time is about showing the different solutions you came up with. With each other we came up to at least 6 or 7 different, unique solutions for one given situation.

The exercise now is 10 minutes and you have to learn somebody else's solutions, you came up with. Learn from each other, communicate, respect. When one speaks the other listens. Explain the importance of this skill for example. And so on.

I came up with this idea because of the article I read. The article explained that creativity is a individual task and the group comes in the picture when decisions have to be made.

Today was a hard day of work! A hard but energetic day. My food is great, my energy level is perfect, I'm super stoked and focused. The kids have good energy and that resonates back to me.

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